
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sarah Palin, Innovator

"Dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation," Sarah Palin's official PAC has hit the ground running. Even though there are many wonderful potential Republican Presidential candidates to consider, Ms. Palin's PAC gives us fast food for thought. "SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination."

Opposing the dogmatic scientific elite that has gotten a leg up on our neck, Ms. Palin, with integrity and determination, offers to defend the conservative principles of this nation. Even though the founding fathers did not mention God in the Constitution, we are well aware that they meant God to be the Rock upon which the Republic rests. Do not ask us how we know. It is simple. We just know. We believe. They were Christians. We are Christians. Could the connection or their intention be be any more clear?

Ms. Palin realizes that we must innovate in order to compete with the Chinese, Indians, Italians and other non-Christians who, if they gain greater economic power, might use it to threaten our freedom. Living right next door to the Russians, she literally can see that their brand of Christianity really is un-American, even though she gives them credit for trying. She heartily disagrees with the elite's view that Christian beliefs would stifle progress. Did they prevent us from inventing the dinosaur saddle?
Did they make us think that a square wheel would be better than the one we invented? Believing in the literal Word of God, Christains innovated and then innovated some more, coming up not only with the saddle, the wheel, and the Ark, but with atomic bombs, video games, ShamWow, and countless other great inventions in the 6,000 or so years since we were kicked out of the Garden.

As you can see, Christianity does not impede innovation. It is the Lord's spark that ignites the creative imagination, keeping us ahead of the elite, secular science - embracing foreigners. If we want to maintain our scientific lead, we must prevent these secularists from poisoning our scientific progress with their unfounded beliefs. Just yesterday a marine dinosaur ate a tourist off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, prompting Ms. Palin to state, "This is proof that man and dinosaurs have coexisted and that dinosaurs do not have feathers. South Africa is our ally, so I think I'll get my wolf hunting plane and go down there and bust a cap in that dinosaur's ass, pick him up before he gets fossilized, and show all you secularists who like to date carbon that Christian Science is the only way to understand the world and the universe that revolves around us."


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